Thursday, May 6, 2010
RA 9850 Eskrima/Arnis now National Sport
Congress of the Philippines
Philippines. Congress (2007-10). "Republic Act No. 9850: An Act declaring Arnis as the national martial art and sport of the Philippines." Metro Manila: 14th Congress of the Philippines, Third regular session, 2009.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Republic Act No. 9850, approved on 11 December 2009, defines the indigenous Filipino martial art of Arnis and declares it as the "Philippine National Martial Art and Sport." The Act then orders the Department of Education, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and the Philippine Sports Commission to promulgate the rules and regulations necessary to carry out its provisions.
Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Fourteenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, two thousand nine.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
SECTION 1. It is the policy of the State to inculcate patriotism, nationalism and appreciation of the role of national heroes and symbols in the historical development of the country. Furthermore, the State must give priority to education, science and technology, arts and culture, and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and development.
SEC. 2. Definition of Amis. - Arnis, also known as Eskrima, Kali, Garrote and other names in various regional languages, such as Pananandata in Tagalog; Pagkalikali, Ibanag; Kabaraon and Kalirongan, Pangasinan; Kaliradman, Bisaya; and Didja, Ilokano, is an indigenous Filipino martial art and sport characterized by the use of swinging and twirling movements, accompanied by striking, thrusting and parrying techniques for defense and offense. This is usually done with the use of one (1) or two (2) sticks or any similar implements or with bare hands and feet also used for striking, blocking, locking and grappling, with the use of the same principle as that with the canes.
SEC. 3. Arnis is hereby declared as the Philippine National Martial Art and Sport. The official adoption of arnis as the national martial art and sport shall be promulgated by inscribing the symbol of arnis in the official seal of the Philippine Sports Commission and by making it as the first sport competition to be played by participating teams on the first day in the annual Palarong Pambansa. The Philippine Sports Commission shall be the lead agency to implement the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 4. The Department of Education, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and the Philippine Sports Commission shall promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 5. Any provision of law, decree, executive order, rule or regulation in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions and/or purposes of this Act is hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
President of the Senate
This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 3288 and House Bill No. 6516 was finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on October 14, 2009.
Secretary General
House of Representatives
Secretary of the Senate
Approved: DEC 11 2009
President of the Philippines
01 February 2010, Monday
UC sponsors arnis workshop for trainors
TO PROMOTE arnis as the national sport in Baguio City, the University of the Cordilleras and Baguio City Arnis Federation spearheaded a three-day arnis training workshop at the UC covered court last March 5 to 7.
Leo Carino, president of the Baguio City Arnis Federation, said the workshop was organized to train the physical education teachers and the martial arts club instructors' new techniques in arnis.
"At the same time we also want to promote it as the Philippine national sport," Carino said.
Last December 11, 2009, Congress approved Republic Act 9850, declaring eskrima or arnis as the national sport. The new law mandates arnis as a physical education course and will be one of its priorities in the 2010 Palarong Pambansa.
The seminar workshop was suppose to be slated in BSU, however, UC PEHM (Physical Education Health and Music) and Arts Society requested to sponsor the event because of its vision of integrating it as a major basic PE subject in coming school year.
“For the benefit of our PE faculty members, we requested the seminar workshop. It’s a great opportunity for us kasi our faculty enjoys the training for free,” Danilo Congo, UC PEHM department head said.
World Eskrima Balintawak Arnis Federation (WEBAF) secretary general Maximo C. Caballes led the training workshop and will also spearhead another workshop in Tarlac in preparation of the Palarong Pambansa this April 11 to 18.
He is the current arnis commissioner of Cebu City, a grand master and founder of the Arnis de Caballes, which aims to provide avenues whereby contribution, ability, and potential in the practice of the art can be recognized, promoted, and achieved.
"I’m very happy and proud I was the one selected to be the speaker of this workshop. Napakaganda ng activity na ito dahil hindi lang mga techniques ang matutunan niyo instead may mga moral lessons din na matututunan. Kasi ang gusto namin bukod sa magiging kilala ang Pinoy bilang kampeon, they will be known as being respectful, honest and loyal," Caballes said.
The arnis workshop was attended by the PE teachers in the elementary, high school and college levels. Around 50 delegates coming from the province of Benguet, Apayao, Ifugao, La Union and Baguio City participated. (Rex Bate)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
World Eskrima Balintawak Arnis Federation

To promote camaraderie, friendship, and brotherhood among Balintawak Grandmasters, Masters, and Practitioners in their practice and promotion of Filipino Martial Arts - Arnis Eskrima Balintawak Style; to provide avenues whereby contribution, ability, and potential in the practice of the art can be recognized, promoted, and achieved.
The Formation of WEBAF
During the most recent trip to Cebu City, Philippines, home of Grand Master Guillermo O. Taboada (known to the world as GM Bobby), Mayor Butch Sepulveda hosted a despidida party for GM Bobby’s honor. It was on the night of December 4, 2009, held at the club house of World Nickelstick Eskrima Club GM Nick Elizar. It was well-attended by notable Balintawak Grandmasters, Master, students, and visiting students from USA, Spain, and France. The night was a feast with lechon, sinugbang isda, nukus, dinuguan, puto,etc, and unending flow of cold beer,rhum and wine.
During the party, Dong Butch (as Mayor Butch is fondly known) mentioned to the group that, with the funding support of Senator Miguel Zubiri (also an avid arnis practitioner and 1st WEKAF Champion), he has just organized a Federation of Horse Aficionados to promote horse riding activities in the province of Cebu. In the same light, Dong Butch suggested that the Balintawak Group could organize a similar format to promote unity and camaraderie, and service among different Balintawak Groups, not only in Cebu, but also throughout the Philippines and the World.
After discussion and exchange of ideas, GM Bobby Taboada, Chief Master Eddie Velez, GM Teofilo Romo, GM Nick Elizar, GM Max Cabelles, MI Ben Jay-Ma, Dr. Ben Marapao, Mayor Butch Sepulveda all concurred that a legal, non-stock, non-profit entity be organized. They recognized that such an entity could promote the vision and mission of Balintawak and allow succession to the next generation. They all pledged their support and agreed to form a Balintawak Group Federation.
That night an ADHOC Committee was immediately formed:
* President: GM Guillermo (Bobby) Taboada
* Vice President: GM Nicmedes (Nick) Elizar
* Gen.Secretary: GM Maxino (Max) Caballes
* Treasurer: Mayor Butch Sepulveda
* Auditor: MI Oliver Maguyon
* PRO: GM Teofilo Roma
* Sgt. At arms: MI Ben Jayma
Dong Butch Sepulveda graciously offered to shoulder the initial organizational expenses. The very next day, GM Max Caballes wasted no time and immediately proceeded to inquire from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). On December 28, 2009, the application was filed, and on January 6, 2010 WEBAF World Eskrima Balintawak Arnis Federation, Inc. was approved under SEC registration no. CN201025006.
On January 21, 2010 WEBAFERATION held its first open meeting at The Royal Concourse Restaurant, Gov. Cuenco Ave., Cebu City, Philippines. It was a very well-attended affair.
Among the matters taken during the first meeting was The Board’s ratification of the Elected ADHOC Officers to be the Regular Officers for the year 2010. The said meeting and occasion was dedicated to our Great Balintawak Grandmaster Anciong Bacon. During that affair, the descendents of Grandmaster Anciong Bacon were recognized as they were the Special Guests during that momentous occasion.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Arnis is now “The National Martial Art and Sport of the Philippines"
President Gloria Arroyo officially signed REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9850 “An Act declaring Arnis as the National Martial Art and Sport of the Philippines“ on December 11, 2009. According to Mr.Raymond Velayo, ARNIS PHILIPPINES President, the law will preserve part of our heritage and will instill in the minds of our people the sense of nationalism, patriotism, national unity and identity.
It was Arnis Philippines headed by President Velayo who painstakingly lobbied for the approval of the Bill in both houses of Congress since the time of former Senator Orly Mercado in 1995, the late Senator Robert Barbers and Cong. Miguel Zubiri in 2001 until its passage into law by action star turned Senator Lito Lapid, Senators Miguel Zubiri, Mar Roxas, Richard Gordon, Ramon Revilla, Jr., Aquilino Pimentel, Jr., Congressmen Arthur Pingoy, Jr., Pryde Henry Teves, Cesar Jalosjos, Nanette Castelo Daza and Narciso Santiago III with the help of ARNIS PHILIPPINES Directors Servillano Padiz, Jr. (first President of Sepak-takraw and father of Sepak-takraw of the Philippines), Ramon Dizon (Businessman/ Sportsman), Medardo Quiambao (Businessman/Sportsman), Richmond Velayo (Jeweler/ Sportsman).
The law mandates Arnis as a physical education course for the DepEd and will be one of its priorities come 2010 Palarong Pambansa according to Cong. Teves. According to Mr. Velayo, Arnis is being practiced in all five clusters of the Philippine Olympic Festival (POF) and in all 17 regions in the Palarong Pambansa, the National-based Sports Program promulgated by the Department of Education, all in coordination with the ARNIS PHILIPPINES, 33rd Official Member of Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) and recognized by the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC).

ARNIS PHILIPPINES has successfully lobbied for the inclusion of Arnis in the last 1991 & 2005 SEAGAMES. Now it would be easier to lobby for its inclusion in all international sports events like SEAGAMES, ASIAN GAMES, and ultimately, the OLYMPICS. Mr. Velayo expects more support from all sectors both public and private.
President Raymond Velayo, ARNIS PHILIPPINES Board of Directors Medardo Quiambao and Ramon Dizon were paying a courtesy call to the Authors of Arnis Bill at the House of Representatives in Q.C. The Board of Directors of ARNIS PHILIPPINES congratulated and handed out Presidential Citations for having demonstrated their nationalism and patriotism by sponsoring and having it approved in the Halls of Congress of the Republic of the Philippines a REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9850 “An Act declaring Arnis as the National Martial Art and Sport of the Philippines”.
(Above photo standing from L-R): ARPI Dir. Ramon Dizon, Rep. Arthur Pingoy, Pres. Raymond Velayo, Rep. Pryde Henry Teves, and ARPI Dir. Medardo Quiambao. Below photo with Rep. Cesar Jalosjos. (Sponsors not in photo are Rep. Nanette Castelo Daza and Rep. Narciso Santiago III).
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Philippines National Sports
01 May 2009
Update on "An Act Declaring Arnis as the National Sport of the Philippines"
On April 24, 2009, a public hearing was held in the Senate of the Philippines regarding the Arnis bills entitled “An Act Declaring Arnis as the Philippine National Sport”, introduced by Senator Juan Miguel F. Zubiri, and “An Act Declaring Arnis as the National Sport of the Philippines”, introduced by Sen. Manuel “Lito” M. Lapid. Present were some Arnis practitioners, Department of Education Secretary Jonathan E. Malaya, National Commission for Culture and Arts representative Ed Robles, Philippine Olympic Committee representative Gen. Mario Tanchanco, and Arnis Natiaonal Sports Association President Mr. Raymond S. Velayo. Other ARPI officers present were Commissioner Mr. Ryan C. Gialogo and Corporate Secretary Ms. Melanie Cayao. Chairman on Committee on Education, Arts, and Culture Senator Mar A. Roxas presided over the meeting. Recommendation for approval of the bills were given, and final discussions, including consolidating the two bills into one comprehensive bill before approval, will be scheduled.

At some point in the discussion, Mr. Velayo contributed by citing that certain words should be withheld from the proposal, such as the word “kali” which has no real and clearly documented or historical basis. Another was to strike out from the bill the word “modern” in connection with the phrase “modern Arnis,” which pertains to a particular Arnis style and club. This is to eliminate bias and misinformation.

Also, Mr. Malaya of DepEd cited that there is no existing official national sport. Even though it has been stated in some history books that sipa, and later on sepak takraw is the national sport, this is apparently baseless and incorrect. Furthermore, Mr. Robles of the NCCA seconded Mr. Malaya in stating that the institutions they represent have no qualms about Arnis, our very own martial art and sport, being declared as the official national sport of the Philippines.

The Martial Art
The onset of the twentieth century brought about the demise of Arnis in the country. With the coming of the Americans, the Filipinos were awed with the new culture, that most indigenous cultures were relegated almost to oblivion. Our very own Arnis, the Filipino martial art, almost suffered the same fate. Once the martial art of the pre-Spanish natives and the illustrados of the Spanish era, Arnis all but disappeared in the urban areas and were mostly preserved in the provinces. Credit should be given to our traditional guro / maestro or grandmasters, illustrious men who painstakingly preserved Arnis for us.
The rise to popularity of various non-Filipino martial arts also placed our local martial art in the limelight. Suddenly, interest in Arnis began to surge. Popular practice of the art however, also had its share of problems. For one, there was a dire need to consolidate the various forms, styles and strains of Arnis. Arnis is not just one technique nor just one school, it is as varied as the islands of the country, with its more than eighty (80) languages and about one hundred forty-two (142) dialects in an archipelago of seven thousand and one hundred (7, 100) islands. Furthermore, there was also a need for a strong leadership to hold such schools or groups together, to steer it towards a direction, so as to prevent Arnis from slipping into oblivion.
Modern Interpretations
In 1975, the National Arnis Association of the Philippines (NARAPHIL) was formed by Gen. Fabian C. Ver. This organization acted as the first national organization for Arnis in the Philippines. Its existence however, faded after the radical change and total revamp in the Philippine government caused by the Philippine Revolution of 1986.
In the meantime, in many parts of the world, popular names and groups have been busy propagating the Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) and sports, pushing their teachings and techniques. Some people successfully made their way into martial arts schools, police academies, military schools, educational institutions, government agencies, and even in the entertainment world.
The Organization
On July 11, 1986, Mr. Raymond Soriano Velayo, a young civic-minded and noted sportsman, convened a group of men truly devoted to the art at the Sulu Restaurant at Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. They formed the Philippine Arnis Federation which was later renamed as Arnis Philippines (ARPI). Succeeding meetings saw the joining of more distinguished men who were bent on making Arnis a pillar in the world of martial arts and combat sports.
Mr. Raymond S. Velayo became its first and current president. The Federation's founding came about barely five months after the historic Philippine "People Power" Revolution of 1986 that catapulted the government of President Corazon C. Aquino. Because of the vacuum and taking advantage of the much preferred democratic space and of course, the renewed enthusiasm of the Philippine society, these founders decided to bring together the various Arnis clubs and styles in the spirit of unity. This was preceeded by the observation that Arnis, which was fast becoming a dying art in the country, should be revived and promoted. Thus, with the firm objectives of PROMOTING, PROPAGATING and PRESERVING the Filipino Martial Arts, the Philippine Arnis Federation was born.
On August 20, 1986, the organization was formally recognized as Arnis Philippines Incorporated. The objectives were: a) to be a major force in preserving our culture and the dying art of Arnis; b) to consolidate and unite the different functions and groups of Arnis aficionados; and c) to develop the Sport aspect of Arnis for and in the hope of its inclusion in major sports events like the South East Asian Games (SEA Games), Asian Games, and ultimately, the Olympics.
In a short span of time, Arnis Philippines received immediate recognition from the official sports bodies in the Philippines. It is now the solely accredited Arnis arm and association in the Philippine Olympic Committee (effective 12 January 1987) and was accepted as the 33 rd member of the said Olympic Committee. With the official membership, ARPI has the sole right to officially supervise all Arnis affairs in the country as the National Sports Association (NSA). Soon after, it was also included under the support roster of the Project Gintong Alay and is now supported financially by the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC).
The International Arnis Federation (IAF), world governing body for Arnis, was organized in the first ever International Arnis Congress (IAC) and was hosted and organized by Arnis Philippines, the duly accredited National Sports Association for Arnis and the 33 rd member of the Philippine Olympic Committee. The IAC was held at the Silahis International Hotel at the height of the US-Iraq Gulf War in 1991.
Participants in the two-day IAC were Remy Presas (representing the United States of America), Hadji Besar Shahri and Hadji Mohammed Zafri (Brunei), Joseph Delme (Belgium), Te Chang Ma (Taiwan), Dzung Vu (Vietnam), Shishir Inocalla (Canada), Kurt Konrad (Austria), Fritz Thiele (Switzerland), Gerardo Reyes (Hongkong), Tino Ceberano (Australia), Raymond S. Velayo (Philippines), Jeremias V. Dela Cruz (Qatar), and Manny Cawil (New Zealand), who became the founding members. There were thirteen (13) countries represented at that time.
The launching of the international governing body was formally opened by Governor Jose C. Sering, then president of the Philippine Olympic Committee, who together with then President Corazon C. Aquino, Honorable Francisco Elizalde of the International Olympic Committee, Senators Jose Lina and Orlando Mercado, Congressmen Freddie Webb and Renato Yap and other government and private entities, supported and sanctioned the event.
Going by its theme "Arnis to the Olympics, Arnis to the World", the activities of the congress presided by Raymond S. Velayo included the ratification of the IAF Constitution and By-Laws, election of its officers, discussion of the International Standard Rules (ISR) of Arnis competitions worldwide, presentation of its implementation and regulations through videos, holding the first ever Seminar-Workshop for Arnis players on World Arnis officiating, lecture on the proposed ISR and ratification, gala night (where cultural Arnis exhibitions were presented), and presentation of Awards of Recognition to Gov. Jose C. Sering and Gov. Francisco Almeda (POC Secretary General). TV host/producer (now Senator) Loren Legarda was also present together with Sen. Orlando Mercado and Mr. Frederick So Pada.
Raymond S. Velayo, president of Arnis Philippines, was voted as the first president of the International Arnis Federation (IAF). Officers were also voted and appointed. They were inducted by Governor Francisco Almeda, Secretary-General of the Philippine Olympic Committee during the Gala Night of the International Arnis Congress.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Martial Art
The Martial Art
The onset of the twentieth century brought about the demise of Arnis in the country. With the coming of the Americans, the Filipinos were awed with the new culture, that most indigenous cultures were relegated almost to oblivion. Our very own Arnis, the Filipino martial art, almost suffered the same fate. Once the martial art of the pre-Spanish natives and the illustrados of the Spanish era, Arnis all but disappeared in the urban areas and were mostly preserved in the provinces. Credit should be given to our traditional guro / maestro or grandmasters, illustrious men who painstakingly preserved Arnis for us.
The rise to popularity of various non-Filipino martial arts also placed our local martial art in the limelight. Suddenly, interest in Arnis began to surge. Popular practice of the art however, also had its share of problems. For one, there was a dire need to consolidate the various forms, styles and strains of Arnis. Arnis is not just one technique nor just one school, it is as varied as the islands of the country, with its more than eighty (80) languages and about one hundred forty-two (142) dialects in an archipelago of seven thousand and one hundred (7, 100) islands. Furthermore, there was also a need for a strong leadership to hold such schools or groups together, to steer it towards a direction, so as to prevent Arnis from slipping into oblivion.
Friday, July 24, 2009
UC Eskrima Club misakiyo sa korona
CEBU, Philippines – Gipakuratan sa University of Cebu (UC) Eskrima Club ang ilang mga kaatbang dihang mihakot kini og 33 medalya -- 13 ka golds, 11 ka silvers ug siyam ka bronzes aron pagsakmit sa overall championship sa Cacoy Doce Pares World Eskrima-Arnis Championship ning bag-o diha sa City Sports Club-Cebu.
Lakip sa gipukan sa UC eskrimadors mao ang mga pambato ni Supreme Grand Master Ciriaco ‘Cacoy’ Cañete, kinsa maoy nahimutang sa ikaduhang dapit sa ilang 10 ka golds, pito ka silvers ug walo ka bronzes.
Ang ikatulong puwesto nakuha sa International Combative Martial Arts Academy (ICMAA) sa Australia nga gipangulohan ni Grand Master Vince Palumbo nga mihakot og walo ka golds, walo ka silvers ug unom ka bronzes.
Si Maximo Caballes Jr. mihatag og duha ka gold sa UC sa boys 12-under openweight category.
Lain pang gold medalists sa UC mao sila si Reil Taba sa 18-28 years old lightweight, John Pepito sa 18-29 middleweight, Paul Joshua Rosas sa 18-28 super middleweight, Emilio Cuevas sa 23-33 heavyweight, Noelyn Bargamento, Savones Abelgas, Christine Faith Velasquez ug June Babe Caballes sa girls 13-17 bracket, Mary Niña Romales alang sa girls 18-33 lightweight division ug ang UC Demonstration Team.
Mihakot og bulawan alang sa Noy Cacoy Doce Pares mao sila si Dean Michael Cañete sa iyang duha ka golds, Robert Sabello, Christian Bag-id, Michael Escario, Danny Serundo ug Andrea Wheatley ug Leah Sedriosa nga adunay tagurha ka golds sa women’s 13-18 middleweight ug heavyweight divisions.
Sa laing bahin, si Palumbo mikabkab og tulo ka bulawan alang sa iyang ICMAA team, samtang ang iyang mga tinun-an nga midaog og bulawan naglakip nilang John Moore, kinsa mihakot sab og tulo ka bulawang medalya, Con Pappas ug si Robert Angus.
Ang ICMAA-Indonesia nga gipangulohan ni Glenn Gardiner nahimutang sa ikaupat sa ilang unom ka golds, 10 ka silvers ug walo ka bronzes, samtang ang Filmocan-Cebu mikapyot sa ikalima sa ilang tulo ka golds, upat ka silvers ug duha ka bronzes.
Ang Reflex Centre-Australia mitapos sa ikaunom nga adunay duha ka golds, upat ka silvers ug upat ka bronzes, gisundan sa Cacoy Doce Pares-Spain sa ilang duha ka golds ug usa ka silver.
Ang PNP Team mikabkab og duha ka golds ug usa ka silver, ang Alarca adunay duha ka golds ug unom ka bronzes, ang Warmer Heart Karate Club-USA midaog og usa ka gold ug usa sab ka silver, ang Cacoy Doce Pares-East Coast adunay usa ka gold ug usa sab ka bronze, ang Filmocan-Iloilo mikabkab og usa ka gold, ang Doce Pares- New Zealand midaog og duha ka silvers, ang Millenium School of Martial Arts-Poland ni Christopher Nasilowski midaog og usa ka silver ug duha ka bronzes ug ang Nasilowski’s Australian team mitiltil og duha ka bronzes. – BANAT NEWS
Pinoys on a roll
By Jonas Panerio
Cebu Daily News
First Posted 13:18:00 04/27/2009
Filed Under: Martial Arts (general)
Team Philippines continued their strong showing in the Cacoy Doce Pares Federation 2009 World Eskrima Arnis Championships as they brought home four gold medals in the sparring competition held at the City Sports Club Cebu.
The hosts captured four different gold medals in four divisions, thanks to the different arnis squads that has bonded together to comprise Team Philippines.
Maximo Caballes Jr. of the University of Cebu (UC) Arnis Squad, was victorious in the Boys Single Stick 12 years and under event, as he beat out Kieren Lambert of Indonesia, who had to settle for silver.
Dean Michael Canete of the Cacoy Doce Pares HQ Cebu Team, soon followed suit as he won gold in the Boys Single Stick 13-17 over 60 kg division after demolishing Jaron Ponce of Reflex Centre Australia in the championship match.
In the higher levels, Randy Taneo of ALARCA Cebu went home with the gold medal in the Men's Single Stick 29-39 years middleweight, after beating out fellow Filipino Danny Serundo of the Cacoy Doce Pares squad, in the finals. Adinur Budiono of Indonesia got the bronze medal.
Finally, Marcial Chavez Jr. of the Philippine National Police (PNP) claimed glory in the Men's Single Stick 29-39 years heavyweight as he won the gold medal after defeating Emilio Cuevas of the University of Cebu in the final match. Jim Grant of Indonesia placed third.
Indonesia and defending champions Australia is also putting up a fight of their own as they each collected two gold medals.
David Leach of Indonesia won the Men's Single Stick 50 years and up while Glen Gardiner added another one with his win in the Men's Single Stick 40-49 years middleweight.
Grandmaster Vince Palumbo of Australia defeated Kyle McWilliams of Cacoy Doce Pares New Zealand for the gold in the Men's Single Stick 49 years heavyweight while Dominic Lavalle contributed another gold medal for the Aussies with his victory in the Men's Single Stick 29-39 super middleweight.
Dino Haynes of the United States also won gold for his win in the Single Stick 49 super heavyweight division.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
World Nickelstick Eskrima Club
World Nickelstick Eskrima club was established on the 27th of April 2003 .The term "WORLD" is used because the Nickelstick Eskrima Club is represented by instructors from the Philippines, England, United States, and Europe. It is also our hope that we propagate Balintawak Eskrima to the rest of the World. [Learn about Balintawak] “NICKEL” is from Nick ELizar's name. “STICK” signifies the single stick style of Balintawak, while “ESKRIMA” represents the filipinized Spanish word which Filipinos have come to name their martial arts, a term that comes from the Spanish esgrima, loosely defined as "the art of fencing". We also use Balintawak style, originated from the Cebu club headed by the late Grandmaster Teofilo Velez, the late Grandmaster Atty. Jose Villasin and the late Great Grandmaster Venancio Bacon. GM Nick Elizar learned and mastered Balintawak Eskrima from the original school. It is also from this club, in which Grandmaster Nick Elizar headed the white chapter of Teovels Balintawak Group, that the World Nickelstick Eskrima Club was born. [See chapters & affiliations].
History - About GM Nick

After more than 20 years of faithfully representing Teovel’s Balintawak Group, under the White Chapter, Nick Elizar finally decided to establish his own club. In April, 2003 the World Nickel Stick Eskrima Club was established in Cebu City, Philippines. Although under a new name, the teaching methods that Nick Elizar uses are still very much the same training methods employed by Jose Villasin and Teofilo Velez. Nick Elizar has been teaching Balintawak since the 1970s. He is known as both a fighter and a good teacher. Nick Elizar has garnered respect from various eskrimadors in Cebu and throughout the Philippines. His establishment of the World Nickel Stick Eskrima Club has since been supported by many, friends and eskrimadors alike. It is the intention of Nick Elizar to continue to propagate the art of Balintawak in the Philippines and also to the rest of the World. [Learn about Balintawak]
Already well into his 50s, Nicomedes “Nick” Elizar, still looks the part of a youthful fighter in his prime with strength and tenacity embedded in his eyes. But beneath this first layer of personality lies a depth of wisdom only age can cultivate. Nick Elizar can easily be considered one of Cebu City’s best and most dedicated eskrimador. His passion for eskrima permeates into every facet of his life, radiating unto others. From his humble childhood to a violent adolescence, martial arts has taken Nick Elizar into a path of purpose, honor, and friendships. He has achieved a level of maturity in his art only possible through actual deadly encounters. The story of eskrima in Cebu, its history and the various masters who have participated in its creation, continues with the story of Nick Elizar.
Born in September 1948, in the small town of Ronda, southwest of Cebu, it was here that Nick Elizar spent the first five years of his life. At five years old, he moved to Cebu City in barangay Capitol Site, so named because of the neighborhood’s proximity to the Capitol Building. It was here that he met Guillermo “Bobby” Taboada, a contemporary and a close childhood friend. Both the boys’ parents were also very close. During those years, the area behind the Capitol was still a vast farmland and owned mostly by Mr. Vincente Gullas. This was the man that the Elizar family and the Taboada family worked for and answered directly to in matters of management and caretaking of his land. This man also owned the University of the Visayas. It was here that Nick Elizar attended school, and eventually began his life in the martial arts.
At age thirteen, while attending the University of the Visayas, Nick Elizar began to immerse himself in the sport of boxing, popularized again in the 1960s in Cebu by the international success of a local boxer named Gabriel “Flash” Elorde. While sparring with amateur boxers in the University of the Visayas, Nick Elizar also supplemented his knowledge in boxing by soliciting advice and techniques from professional boxers who trained in Ngujo boxing stable near his home. As much as he loved boxing, he always knew his parents would never approve of him devoting too much time into this endevour. Although his first passion in the fighting arts, Nick Elizar would later venture into other forms of martial arts made popular, becoming local fads in the late 1960s. He trained in Japanese Karate and Korean Tae Kwon Do around the same time his close friends began dabbling in foreign martial arts.
After completing his studies in Cebu, Nick Elizar moved to and spent one year in Manila working for the San Miguel Corporation. It was during this time that he became acquainted with Al Hipolito of the Manila Tae Kwon Do/Karate Club, where he furthered his training. After one year, he returned to Cebu in which he developed his own fighting style, combining his knowledge in boxing, karate, and tae kwon do. It was also during this time that challenges were offered to him, in which he gladly accepted. Having out done all his opponents in these matches, Nick Elizar assumed a reputation as a respectable fighter in Cebu. Known for his abilities, he was hired by a prominent local businessman as his personal bodyguard, until the onset of President Marcos’ Martial Law in 1972.
In 1972, while walking through the streets of Colon, Nick Elizar accidentally bumped into Bobby Taboada. The two childhood friends exchanged stories and updated each other about their lives. At which point, Bobby Taboada invited Nick Elizar to one of his regular training sessions in barangay Pari-an, at the corner of Sikatuna and Isagani streets. It was here that Nick Elizar re-learned everything he knew about fighting. He was introduced to Balintawak.
The Balintawak International Self Defense Club, in 1972, was headed by Jose Villasin as president, Teofilo Velez as vice-president, and Venancio “Anciong” Bacon as the organization’s honored grandmaster. Teofilo Velez was a very friendly man, who always went out of his way to make his students comfortable. But, he was the exact opposite during training. He was strict and very calculating when imparting the minutest of details of Balintawak. Jose Villasin, who was to become a godfather of Nick Elizar’s first son, was also a very “jolly” man, who was very stern when it came to training. When Nick Elizar finally met Venancio Bacon, his first impression of him was that of a quiet, humble man who was very involved in the teaching of his art. He consistently checked on Teofilo Velez and Jose Villasin’s students, making sure Balintawak and the concept of Cuentada was correctly passed on to the next generation of fighters and teachers.
Nick Elizar completed his training in 1976. He was given authority to teach Balintawak, using the training method developed by Jose Villasin. Also, during this year, Nick Elizar began working for the Bisayan Shipping Line. He was assigned to Samboan, in the southern most part of Cebu. During his off hours after work which was usually around 2 pm, instead of returning to Cebu City, Nick Elizar went to Dumaguete City which was about an hour boat ride from Samboan.
It was in Dumaguete that Nick Elizar met Ricardo Abellana, who had trained with Jose Villasin in Cebu City. Ricardo Abellana was stationed in Dumaguete. He was a Philippine Constabulary police, who also ran a local eskrima club teaching Balintawak. After meeting Nick Elizar, Mr. Abellana realized that his new found friend possessed more advance skills. Ricardo Abellana, humbly appointed Nick Elizar as the Chief Instructor of his school. During days of training, Mr. Abellana continued to teach his students, while Nick Elizar supervised and offered corrections along the way. After the students left, Nick Elizar trained Mr. Abellana in the advance stages of Balintawak. So, during Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and the weekend, Nick Elizar trained students in Dumaguete. He would sleep in Ricardo Abellana’s home, waking up at 3 am the next day to report for work in Samboan. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nick Elizar trained his own students in Samboan. As expected, during this time “friendly” challenge matches were offered. The were all accepted by Nick Elizar.
In 1979, Nick Elizar left Samboan and returned to Cebu City, to live in Englis in Guadalupe. He resumed his training with Teofilo Velez. At this time, Nick Elizar also organized his own group of students in Englis and called it CEAC, or Central Englis Arnis Club. At this time Bobby Taboada also organized his own club in Banawa, which was adjacent to Englis. He called it Cebu Banawa Arnis Club, or CBAC. Both often trained together. Nick Elizar drove taxis for a living.
A couple of years later, an incident occurred that changed Mr. Elizar’s opinion about taxi driving. He was held up by two men. Sensing immediate danger as soon as he turned into a dark street, Nick Elizar was already on guard. The first man pulled a knife. Before he could direct his knife to Nick Elizar’s neck, it was already countered. While Nick Elizar was twisting the first man’s arm, the second who had undoubtedly realized that he and his friend picked the wrong taxi this evening, proceeded to abandon his partner. Left with only one assailant, Nick Elizar pulled his attacker out of the car, after already throwing away the knife to prevent any serious injuries. He called for help. Seeing that there was no one around, he took out his stick and proceeded to hit the would be robber. After which, he called for the police to collect the criminal. He then retired from taxi driving, looking for a better way to earn a living.
In 1982, Teofilo Velez rounded up all of his loyal students to establish his own club. In a formal ceremony held in Lapu Lapu City, Cebu, Teofilo Velez inducted 12 of his most advance instructors to the title of “Master”. Ten of these Masters were assigned their individual color chapters. Nick Elizar was assigned the White Chapter. During the ceremony the 12 Masters conferred to award their long time teacher, Teofilo Velez, the title of “Grand Master”. The new club was called the TeoVel Balintawak Group. Teofilo Velez urged each of his instructors to propagate Balintawak to all, and share everything they knew, never holding back from any student interested to learn.
Under the new TeoVel Balintawak Group, Nick Elizar organized his White Chapter, and continued to propagate Balintawak. His club chapter was one of the busiest. Mr. Elizar had always been a good teacher, quick to correct his students, while always encouraging them to stay the course.
In 1985, Nick Elizar worked as a bodyguard for Pastor “Jun” Alcober Jr., an ex-NPA officer who defected from the Communists to work for the Philippine government. Along with Narciso “Boy” Tablati, Mr. Elizar assumed his job as Mr. Alcober’s bodyguard for three years. After working for Mr. Alcober in 1988, Nick Elizar was employed by the City government of Cebu as a member of the Civil Security Unit. A few years after, Mr. Elizar was promoted to work under the Office of the Mayor’s Monitoring Group. He faithfully serves this position until now.
Since the death of Teofilo Velez in 1989, Nick Elizar has kept his promise to diligently propagate the art began by Venancio Bacon. Mr. Elizar was awarded the title “Chief Instructor” of TeoVel’s Balintawak in 1994. In 1998 and 2000, Nick Elizar represented the TeoVel’s Balintawak Group in the WEKAF conferences held in Cebu. He has instructed Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike, always keeping in mind Teofilo Velez’s philosophy of sharing everything you know about the art to the next generation of eskrimadors.
In 2003, Nick Elizar organized his new club and christened it NickEl Stick Balintawak. What was before the TeoVel’s Balintawak White Chapter is now NickEl Stick Balintawak with two supporting chapters in Englis, headed by his brother Bobby Elizar, and in Don Pedro Cui, headed by Ruben Rana. Both Bobby Elizar and Ruben Rana were also instructors under Teofilo Velez. Since the establishment of NickEl Stick, the club has performed Balintawak demonstrations throughout Cebu City. Early every Sunday morning the entire club meets for training in Ayala Park, which gives Nick Elizar the chance to check on the students who are under his two other chapters. It has been over 30 years since Nick Elizar started training in Balintawak. He has since met many great eskrimadors and students. He encountered violence many times and survived. Balintawak has taken him where he is now. But, more importantly Nick Elizar will always remember the friendships he has forged through Balintawak. Nick Elizar can easily claim to be one of Cebu’s premier eskrimadors.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Case Study about Arnis by Gm Max Caballes
Rationale of the Study
Arnis is officially recognized by the Department of Education as a sport. The issued DECS Order No. 58 S. 1990 known as the guidelines and standards for the college of physical education included arnis in the course individual/dual sports program of the service of physical education.
Physical education is a pre-requisite course to a degree program in the tertiary level. Because of the uniqueness of the contributions to the total education of the individual, the organized program of physical education should be conducted to all students from the time they enter school until they graduate. In an effort to achieve uniqueness the institution should develop a philosophy and purpose which is designed to give it a distinctive character that will distinguish it from other institutions.
Second semester of 1989 to 1990 the researcher at that time was a practicumer in the Bachelor of Science in Physical Education or BSPE at IPES Department at Southwestern University and for the first time he introduce Arnis De Caballes with some movement of “The Secret of Arnis” by late Grandmaster Edgar G. Solite that gained a Second Place in Over-all Competition. Before his graduation on March 1990 the researcher received an offer to teach at USC – BHS as PEHM teacher. He grabbed the opportunity and introduced Arnis De Caballes to his students in First Year High School and, to some students in the Third Year level per SEDP format. Again the researcher gained a warm welcome, and was congratulated by the USC – BHS – PTA, in recognition of the craft. Finally, the researcher decided to take Masteral Degree at Southwestern University. His main reason to exit from USC – BHS in 1991. The researcher took the opportunity to apply as a PE teacher at IPES Department – Southwestern University and was accepted as a faculty member in the first semester of 1991 to 1993 where he introduced Arnis De Caballes Style in all PE 3 students. On other hand Atty. George P. Bragat the former vice president of the student affair office of University of Cebu wrote a letter request addressed to Director Melquiades B. Gonzales to allow the researcher to be a part time teacher in the PE department of University of Cebu. The good director approved the request and released the researcher to be a part time teacher in the University of Cebu.
As we trace back to the year of 1993 in the University of Cebu, in particular, the physical education department did not include arnis in their physical education and sports program. The focus of the department was swimming and bowling for PE 3 students. Classes at that time were easily found under the big narra trees and masanitas trees for they were held on the open field at the South Expressway. That area was obviously an open area for everybody to observe from time to time, the movements and commotions of the place. The pickpocketers, hold-upers and “Mangingilad Group” were very rampant in the area. They victimized all with no limit for age and gender. Those incidents were very common in the log book of our civil security unit in the university. The presence of our policemen during that time were not visible, especially if the complainant was afraid to file complaints against culprits. Who helped the weak? Was it the peacemakers of the University of Cebu – students against the out-laws? They needed to learn our Filipino Martial Arts.
In his youth, the researcher’s parents had fun in sharing short stories like “Sindangaw”, “Sebio ang Batang Kahibolongang” and many other war stories. Many times, the late Eusebio C. Caballes, the researcher’s father shared the legend of Arnis De Caballes. During the Spanish era the parents and great grandparents of Juana Caballes were trusted servants of the Spaniards and they were poetic and arnis performers at that time. Grandmother Juana Caballes was married to Juan Codioran the known collaborator and “Berdugo” during the Japanese occupation. At the height of the world war II he was blamed of a lot of blood in his hands until he met his “kumpadre” at the death Arena. Juan Codioron decided to save his “kumpadre” by making a short drama that was dead in the eyes of the Japanese guard. In the late evening on that day he and his kumpadre made an escapade from Port San Pedro the Japanese camp. They moved and traveled to Pongol, Sibogay, Cebu and joined the Guerillas in the mountains. Juan Codioran became wanted at that time. He decided to change his family name to Caballes, Cabales, Caballero according to our father. Their children including the relatives changed also their identities and traveled to different places in country the Philippines. Unfortunately, Juan Codioran Caballes died in the caves of Barangay Busay, Lahug in 1942 of a sickness could not explain. They found it later on to be beri – beri. During the pre-war, Juana and Juan used to tell these stories using arnis. Because of land disputes and misunderstandings, Alejo the researcher’s uncle and Eusebio, the researcher’s father had a real fight in the presence of many people in Camagong, Lahug, Cebu City in the year of 1971. The researcher at that time was only 9 years old. As a boy, he cried and shouted for help to stop the fight but nobody responded until the policemen came to the rescue. The uncle used “pinote” and the father used “pilamingko”. Luckily, they just received small cut wounds in the hand and arms. The crying boy at that time became a streetfighter when he grew up, a fight of no rules. Today, he still fights but this time with the official rules to be followed. The researcher now shares his most effective style, technique, and tactical moves in fighting as self-defense or self-protection.
In the premise of the aforementioned DECS Order No. 58 S. 1990, the researcher was challenged to propose the inclusion of arnis in the program. This is also in congruence to the Philippine Physical Education and school sports program which aimed for the preservation of man and his environment. The physical education curriculum divided the program into four phases of which Phase 1 is classified as Human Resources; Phase II Cultural Heritage; Phase III Moral Values; and Phase IV Natural Heritage. Preferred activities are physical fitness; traditional games / sports/dance/songs; sports youth/mass/elite; and aquatic/outdoor based activity respectively.
If we are to preserve our cultural heritage through sports, arnis should be included in the physical education curriculum. It is an indigenous and only traditional sports, classified as the Filipino martial arts. As individual sports, it is often called a lifetime sports because of the greater livelihood of participation throughout life. This sports can be engaged in by an individual alone or with only one partner. Arnis like other sports, can teach fair play, self-confidence, how to win and how to lose, as well as specific sports skills.
The FMA – Filipino Martial Arts – Arnis gained respect from the students in the University. The active Hall of Fame awardee grandmaster Bobby Taboada and twenty one (21) Masters of World Balintawak Arnis Escrima Cuentada System Mecklenburg Cennty, North Carolina United States of America took pleasure in presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to the University of Cebu – Arnis Team (UCAT) and to the researcher in honor and recognition of their continued efforts and accomplishments in promoting the art of the Filipino. UC has the biggest population in terms of people the biggest in practicing arnis and it came up as a constant champion in over-all tournaments. Many times UC bagged the gold medals which merited a special interview in Bombo Radio and CCTN with Mr. Boby Inoferio.
The World Nickelstick Eskrima Club Balintawak Style and Arnis de Caballes had modified many antiquated techniques and introduced new styles which are easy to learn. The improvement which the researcher has introduced gained enthusiasm among the students and proved very effective. The researcher learned from his late father Eusebio C. Caballes the principle of freewind which was introduced to the students. The late father of the researcher formulated the principle using the effect of the wind which blows in any direction from the north, south, east, or west, symbolizing the combinations of motions and movements like striking from the different parts of the human body. With this principle it has formulated a good self-defense training program for the students of the physical education. With the application of the freewind principle in the craft of arnis, it produced quality fighters as the students have proven in the national and international competitions, dated January 15, 2005 at Elizabeth Mall or E-Mall.
In relation to the aforementioned views, the researcher as a physical education instructor, arnisador, and Master Instructor recognized Arnis de Caballes and World Nickelstick Eskrima Club Balintawak Style. This made him pursue this research with the desire to produce a handbook in arnis for the students and hopefully to come up with a training program for the stick fighters.
Theoretical Background
The study hinges on the principles and concepts of some educators and also anchored on the legal bases of physical education and sports.
Dewey (1998), stressed the fundamental principles of educational experience, namely: continuity and interaction. These principles define experiences as educative only to the degree that it depends upon a continuity of significant knowledge and to the degree that this knowledge modifies the learner’s outlook, attitude, and skill as the result of the interaction between the individual and his environment. This interaction constitutes a learning situation. Education therefore, is the continuous reconstruction of experience that leads to adjustive behavior – behavior concerned with individual integration in society – and to the realization of one’s best self.
Physical education is concerned with development of the total personality and with the integration of the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional aspects of the individual.
Carman (1998), speculated in the book authored by Harry Alexander Scott, that knowledge though important, is not enough. If citizens are to fulfill their highest aims they must not only understand the world but accept responsibility for what goes on therein – locally, nationally and globally…
According to Scott (1998), a physically educated individual is one who has mastered the dynamics of body control and is thus enabled to express himself through movement.
The International Charter of Physical Education and Sports, which was signed by the Philippines and other UNESCO member countries, has in its Article I. (UNESCO, Paris, 1978).
“The practice of physical education and sports is a fundamental right for all. This right should not be treated as different in principles from the right of adequate food, shelter and medical care.”
Article XIV, Section 19 of the Philippine Constitution:
The state should promote physical education and encourage sports program, league competitions, and amateur sports including training for international competition to foster self-discipline, team work and excellence for the development of a healthy citizenry.
All educational institution shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with the athletic clubs and other sectors.
Republic Act No. 6847, which as approved on 25 January 1994, created the Philippine Sports Commission, defined its powers functions and responsibilities and appropriated funds therefore among other purposes and provides under its Declaration of Policies (Section 2):
“It is the policy of the state to promote Physical Education, encourage and sustain the development of sports in the country to foster physical fitness, self-discipline work and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry through a unified national sports policy making body shall foster this objectives.”
According to James Calderhead (1987), teaching is a complex, professional thinking activity that shares certain characteristics with many other professions such as law, business, management and medicine. Teaching along with these other professions, possesses a body of specialized formal knowledge. In the case of physical education teachers they may have background knowledge in the sports sciences, human movement studies, sports studies or the study of physical education.
The researcher came across the study of Abner G. Pasa which is related to the present study. The dissertation is entitled “Arnis In The Physical Education Program for Teacher Education With Accompanying Training Package”, University of San Carlos 2003. The study revealed a fundamental flaw which has made its implementation extremely difficult if not impossible. There is an absence of a widely accepted rules for the conduct of a contest in arnis. There is also no criteria of skillfulness of an arnis player. The study concluded that unlike its counterpart in Japan, Korea, and Thailand, the Filipino martial art, as such, has retained its nature and have not yet been transformed into a sport.
The conclusion of Pasa in his study contradicts to the researches of Presas (2003). He concluded that arnis can compare in effectiveness with contemporary martial arts now sweeping the world in popularity. Arnis could be as lethal as karate or kung fu and as fascinating as European fencing. He further concluded that arnis is engaged more as a sport.
A dissertation of Dionesio A. Cañete, discoursing on the significant aspects of the system, a complex assemblage of various styles which each master introduced into the organization. In 1975, the National Arnis Association of the Philippines (NARAPHIL) was organized by a group headed by Romeo Mascardo of Bacoor, Cavite, who had as its President, General Fabian Ver, chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines during the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos. Doce Pares and the Cebu Eskrima Association just like most of the Arnis clubs in Metro Manila affiliated with NARAPHIL. Not long after, a decision was reached to hold formal organized tournaments as proposed by Diony Cañete who averred that the best and fastest way of promoting arnis is “to make its sparring matches into a popular sporting event”, just like some other forms of martial arts. Hence, a committee composed of top instructors and masters was formed, tasked to formulate and draft the governing tournament rules. When the group failed to come up with the draft within the specified time, Diony himself volunteered to do the job and, within a couple of weeks, he submitted the proposed rules which were subsequently accepted and approved in toto by Doce Pares, Cebu Eskrima Association and NARAPHIL. These are exactly the same rules that are enforced in tournaments sanctioned by the World Eskrima Kali Federation (WEKAF) which also adopted it during the First World Arnis Championships held on August 11-13, 1989.
In the 23rd SEA Games, the eskrima or arnis made its debut. It proved to be a good, fair and “easy” sport. An article posted in the Internet reads:
She arrived in the Philippines without ever holding a pair of arnis sticks, let alone knowing what the sport was. “We didn’t know what type of sport arnis is… We do not have any training there. When we arrived, we trained for only two days. I never held an arnis stick before. I didn’t even recognize it”…
This is how a bronze medalist from Timor Leste describes her experience, Manila Standard Today 6 Dec. 2005.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Cacoy Doce Pares 2009 World Championship (Sayaw)
This video shows how to perform kata or sayaw using different actions or movement from traditional form, non-tradition form, and sayaw form or Synchronize form. Single Baston, Double Baston or Free Weapon are different Category in major Tournament from Local, National and World Tournament. Some Eskrimador of the Arnis de Caballes and World NickelStick Eskrima Club Balintwak Style perform in this video.